We support effective solutions that will address the immediate need to help residents remain in their homes and communities while laying the groundwork for the creation of more housing that meets the needs of everyone.

Provide rental assistance for residents in need: A community fund that helps residents remain in their homes in both short and long-term instances.

Rental assistance is a proven resource that prevents evictions and supports housing stability. The Seattle Office of Housing released its annual report about the results of the city’s rental assistance program. Washington should invest in a similar program at the state level to reach everyone who needs help. Highlights from the report include:

  • The Program provides case management and rental assistance for eligible households at or below 50% of area median income. Funding can be used for rent assistance, security and utility deposits, move in costs, rental and utility arrears and case management services.
  • In 2018, seven different community-based nonprofit agencies were awarded $2,148,552 in Housing Levy funds.
  • In total, 733 households received rental assistance and case management in six homelessness prevention and two rapid rehousing programs. During this period, 517 households exited the programs and 234 were still enrolled going into 2019.
  • Direct financial assistance averaged $1,686 per household, which was fully funded with Housing Levy funds.
  • The programs assisted 553 households who were at imminent risk of homelessness
  • 99% of households successfully maintained their housing when they exited the program.
  • 98% retained their housing during the 6-month period after receiving that assistance in 2018.
  • 95% retained their housing during the 12-month period after receiving that assistance in 2017.

Create multifamily tax aid: Property tax exemptions for housing providers who keep rents below market rates to maintain quality, affordable housing.

  • Extend the 12-year exemption to preserve affordable multi-family housing. 26 cities and one county have approved Multi Family Tax Exemption units, yet without an extension of over 7,000 units will roll off the program over the next 10 years.
  • Expand the opportunity for all cities, counties and towns to benefit from the multifamily tax exemption.
  • Give communities a local option to preserve and increase healthy, high quality affordable rental housing opportunities for low-income residents where the governing authority has found that there are insufficient healthy affordable housing opportunities, and ensure that housing opportunities are affordable to renters at below market levels, as determined by the local governing authority, with consideration of community needs, market rental costs and income levels of renters.
  • Provide tax relief to multifamily properties by rolling back the real estate excise tax on multifamily properties to 1.28%.

Build public/private partnerships: Partnerships between government and the private sector that create a range of housing that fits the needs of more people.

  • Expand opportunities for jurisdictions to sell unused/surplus land at a discounted rate to build new affordable housing units
  • Coordinate construction of housing units near light rail stations concurrent with or prior to construction of new light rail stations. Increase allowable density near high-capacity transit.

Increase and expand the Washington Housing Trust Fund: State created program to fund affordable housing projects awarded through a competitive process.

  • Provide a dedicated source of revenue to maintain funding for the Housing Trust Fund without increasing the cost to build and operate rental housing.
  • Expand the uses of the housing trust fund to support housing providers who wish to keep their rents below market.

Support Local Housing Levies: Jurisdictional programs that develop and preserve affordable housing and/or provide direct assistance to families at immediate risk of eviction and homelessness.

  • Provide financial assistance to coalitions advocating in favor of local housing levies